Opening a fantastic selection of gardens across Scotland to raise money for hundreds of charities
3 birds

Mr Lowry in Wester Ross

Well 'The Boss' was right, Wester Ross is magic; I loved it and I am certain you would as well. What an indulgent time I had including a lovely morning with 'HQ' at Firemore Sands, which is just before the tiny hamlet of Mellangaun by Cove along the Inverasdale Peninsula; opposite Inverewe Garden where ‘The Boss’ was busy in meetings.

When he eventually came back he was chattering on and enthusing about exotic plants from all around the world as well as complimenting the garden staff on all their hard work including helping Scotland’s Gardens Scheme.

Mr Lowry in Wester Ross
Mr Lowry in Wester Ross

“Wait a minute” I said, “Have you been to Firemore Sands?”

“Yes”, a long time ago he replied.  “They are just dandy – smooth, flat and golden and I got them all to myself, what a treat” I noted. Before adding that the turf was filled with Tormentil Potentilla erecta and native orchids including Northern Marsh-Orchid Dactylorhiza purpurella with a smattering of carnivorous plants especially the Round-leaved sundew Drosera rotundifolia.

“So were the plants the highlight of your adventure?” he asked. Without thinking about it I replied, “Nope, they were cool I admit, but it was the wonderful run on my private beach wearing the funky new blue cool coat that was the deal breaker”. Before adding, “You should have seen me, I was like a lightning bolt flashing up and down the sands”.

“Yip he did the whippet thing round and round in a big oval” said ‘HQ’, “I can imagine” said 'The Boss' but, “Did you come back for 'HQ' when you were told” he enquired quietly? “Naturally”, I replied whilst muttering "Well eventually" under my breath. You don't call me Mr Mischief on occasions for nothing!

“Toodle Pip - until my next update”. In the meantime do enjoy the sunshine readers and try to visit an SGS garden opening to get your ‘nature fix before then.

Bye for now.

Mr. Lowry.

With thanks to ‘The Team’.